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Engineering Technology (Meta-Major)

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An associate degree in Engineering Technology provides a solid foundation in the principles of applied technology. It develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills, preparing students for further study or careers in fields such as manufacturing, machining, HVAC, and more. This degree nurtures a passion for innovation and a deeper understanding of practical applications, making it an excellent choice for students interested in exploring pathways in engineering technology but who are not yet ready to focus on a specific specialization.

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Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 15-22 credits
Meta-major Requirements 5-9 credits
Choose 5-6 credits from this list:
CMP 1000 Composite Basics 3
HVAC 1100 Basic Refrigeration Theory 4
INDM 1100 Industrial Mechanics I  3
MTT 1110 Oxy-acetylene Welding 2
  And any other CMP, HVAC,
or WELD class at 1100 or above
Total 60 credits