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2025 Graduation Ceremonies

Commencement 2025
Key Dates/Details for Graduates - See the full Graduation Checklist
Date Details
Before March 14

Order your cap and gown. If you have missed the March 14th ordering deadline for your cap and gown, please visit the campus store for assistance.
Make sure you have applied for graduation.

Before April 1 Check the program to make sure your name is there and spelled correctly before April 1. No changes will be made to the program list after April 1.
Before May 1
May 2-3 Celebrate with family and friends!
May 1 Commencement Events
Time Event Place Details
2:00 PM Richfield Graduation Ceremony Sevier Valley Center Please be in seats no later than 1:30 PM
4:30 PM Pinning Ceremony Sevier Valley Center Please be in seats no later than 4:00 PM
7:00 PM Ephraim Bachelor's Degree Convocation Jorgensen Concert Hall, Eccles Center Please be in seats no later than 6:30 PM
May 2 - Ephraim Graduation Ceremony
Time Event Place Details
3:00 PM Ceremony Terry Foote Stadium Please be in seats no later than 2:30 PM

Additional information will be added as Commencement approaches.

Information for Guests

Snow College welcomes friends and family of the class of 2025 to come and celebrate this special day with us!

Ephraim Ceremony

We have several seating options for guests attending our Ephraim ceremony. All guests MUST be seated no later than 2:30 to accommodate the processional of graduates safely. Please arrive no later than 2:00 to allow time to pass through security. 

Tickets are not required. Seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Gates will open at 12:00.

Terry Foote Stadium

Seating in the stadium is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be considerate of those around you and refrain from saving seats or bringing stadium chairs.

Robert Stoddard Field

There are plenty of grassy areas around the stadium. Feel free to bring a blanket or lawn chairs and set up on the grass.

Eccles Center

The ceremony will be live-streamed on large screens in the Eccles Center. Many guests prefer sitting in the Eccles where they don’t have to worry about rain or heat, and they can sit in a comfortable chair.

Richfield Ceremony

The Richfield ceremony is held in the Sevier Valley Center, which has ample seating. We ask that guests of the Richfield ceremony arrive in their seats no later than 1:30 to allow the processional of graduates to pass through safely.

Information for Graduates

Graduates, for more information and a full checklist, please see the Graduation Ceremony Checklist.

Graduation Ceremony Attire

To walk in the Graduation Ceremony, you must wear a cap and gown (regalia).

Regalia orders must be placed with the Campus Store before midnight on March 14, 2025 for timely delivery. After this date, order through the Campus Store website. When ordering, choose Ephraim Campus Store pickup, and include your degree type in the order notes section (Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science, Bachelor of Arts, or Software Engineering). If you prefer to pick up your regalia in Richfield, mention that in the notes as well.

Regalia orders will be available for pickup at the Campus Store on April 15, 2025. The cost is approximately $40.

Campus Stores will also be open on the morning of each campus’ commencement for last-minute purchases and gifts.

Alumni Cords

The only approved accessories are the academic honor cords and the alumni cords. Celebrate this milestone by buying alumni cords and paying it forward to support future Badgers. The Alumni Association welcomes our soon-to-be graduates and invites you at this time to claim your Alumni Cord with a donation of only $20.25, representing your graduation year. All proceeds from the Alumni Cord will go to the Alumni Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships for current and future badgers. Give back with others from your class in a memorable way and join them in wearing your orange Alumni Cord at commencement. The process is easy! Simply purchase your Alumni Cord . After purchase, cords can be picked up at the Advancement Office, Campus Store, shipped by calling 435.283.7060, or will be held for pickup on the day of commencement before lining up.


Printed programs for commencement will be placed on all of the graduates’ chairs, so don’t worry about getting one as you enter the ceremony. Please remember that you are a candidate for graduation until the final degree check is completed. Between March 1 and April 1, please check the program list to make sure your name is there and spelled correctly. This is a big deal to your family.

Request for Accommodations

Snow College strives to ensure that all graduates and guests can participate fully in the commencement ceremony. If you or a guest require ADA accommodations or have questions about accessibility, please contact ude.wons@lesnihs.yendic (Ephraim) or ude.wons@mahgnirts.idieh (Richfield).


A professional photographer will take a picture of you as you receive your diploma cover. The company, GradImages, will send proofs to you and your family within 48 hours of the ceremony via email and text. You will also be mailed a proof. GradImages will ship prints within 24 hours of the order being placed, and they have an agreement with Shutterfly. If you have questions about the photos, you may contact GradImages directly.

Diploma Information

Your final degree check will be completed after spring grades have been processed. Diplomas will be ordered for those students who have completed all requirements. If your mailing address is now different from the one on your graduation application, please notify the Graduation Office. If you do not do this, your diploma will not reach you. All financial debts to Snow College must be paid before the diploma will be issued. If you do not complete your degree requirements, you may change your graduation date by emailing the Graduation Office. Diplomas should be mailed to you by mid-summer.

Alumni Gift and Welcome

We want to encourage you to participate in the graduation activities. You have worked hard, and you deserve a day to celebrate this milestone. Commencement will be one of your best Snow College memories – being together with friends and family, celebrating your accomplishments, and enjoying the festive atmosphere of the day. In an effort to officially welcome you to the Alumni Association and recognize your accomplishments, our Alumni Association plans to give you a keepsake at the conclusion of the ceremony.

This really is an exciting time of year. We realize life is busy, but don’t miss this memorable event! Commencement will be a nice ending to your time at Snow and a great beginning for your future, and we’ll try our best to make sure that it is enjoyable for you, your friends, and your family. If you have any questions please see the contacts listed on our graduation website. We are all eager to help you realize this dream of a college degree!

Best wishes as you complete spring semester!

Additional Academic Information

General Graduation Requirements

For current graduation requirements, see Snow College's Academic Catalog.

Transfer Credits

Did you know you can “transfer back” credit from your four-year school if you aren’t quite finished at Snow? There are a lot of advantages to having a completed associate degree, and it’s pretty simple to do. The Graduation Office can help you if you leave before you finish your degree.

For questions regarding transfer credits, please see the Registrar's Office webpage.

Graduation Gifts

Graduation gift baskets

The Campus Store can put gift bags together for you!

  1. Go to the Campus Store online and select the items you would like.
  2. Choose pick-up at campus store (be sure to specify which campus).
  3. Leave a comment in the notes that you would like the items put in a gift package.
  4. Pick up the day of the commencement ceremony!