The password must be at least 15 characters in length and contain a capital letter and a number or special character.
Call the IT Office with any issues: 435.283.7099
Use your newly created password to login to the MySnow Student Portal with your full Snow College email ( This process requires you to set up two-factor authentication. For further instructions, please go to our IT website.
Call the IT Office with any issues: 435.283.7099
Each student is assigned an Office 365 email account. Please note that all future Snow College correspondence will be sent to this new email address. You can find more information on our website.
Electronic textbooks will be provided at no cost to you. Information on accessing textbooks will be given to you by your course professor. Students will need access to a computer and a reliable internet connection to successfully complete the course.
Tuition, fees, and books for these classes will all be paid for through a private scholarship fund. It may take a little time for the funds to disperse to your account. If you have applied and been accepted through this program but you see a charge on your account for the class, please don't panic! You will be notified by email when scholarship funds are dispersed to your account. Please note: offer is good for the four class sections above only and are limited to two (2) classes per person.