I'm Narrowing My Focus
Now that you’ve gathered information on majors on careers, what happens next?
Reflect on The Information You’ve Gathered
Reflecting can be a very powerful tool in helping you make a good decision. Consider
these questions and others that come into your mind as you narrow your focus.
- What will this major/career look like on a daily basis?
- How will these majors/careers align with your interests, values and abilities
- Speak with a trusted mentor to help you sort through your information
- What are the pros and cons of these majors and careers?
Apply What You’re Learning
- Create a vision board, Pinterest board, etc
- What are the long-term benefits for each of these majors/careers
- Create a chart that that compares these different majors and careers
- Rate pros and cons for different majors and careers:
- What are the admission requirements for these majors?
- How classes align with my interests
- Time to graduate
- What are the career opportunities for these majors
- Values questions (Will this job make me happy, provide enough money, etc.)
- Take an introductory course in the major
- Attend the major open house or group advising event for your major
- Get a related job or internship
Keep The Following in Mind:
- Choosing your major takes time and a lot of information; Don’t rush into a decision
on your major!
- You are not “locked in” to any decision that you make; You can change you major if
it doesn’t feel right.
- Look for a great match that fits your interests, skills and values. There’s not one
“perfect” match for you.
- Some interests are better hobbies than careers
- Not all majors have one direct connection to employment. Employers will often hire
based on skills, not a student’s major.
- Consider the courses you take at Snow carefully; You can do some really good exploration
with your GE required courses
- Consider the institution you’re planning to attend after Snow. Are there special requirements
for admission to the institution or major?
Ready to move forward with a few options? If not, have a chat with your advisor to help you with narrowing your focus.