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English Composition Placement
Humanities Division
English & Philosophy Department
Philosophy Courses
ENGL 0980
Writing Basics
ENGL 1005
Expository Comp (Extended) E1
ENGL 1010
Expository Composition E1
ENGL 2010
Intermed Research Writing E2
ENGL 2130
Science Fiction Literature HU
PHIL 1000
Intro to Philosophy HU
PHIL 1050
Ethics & Bus. Leadership HU
PHIL 1250
Reason & Ratnl Decsn Making HU
PHIL 2050
Ethics and Values HU
PHIL 2600
World Religion HU
PHIL 2900
Special Topics/Philosophy HU
ENGL 2040
Intro to Writing Studies
ENGL 2150
Intellectual Traditions I HU
ENGL 2160
Intellectual Traditions II HU
ENGL 2200
Intro to Literature HU
ENGL 2210
Folklore and Literature HU
ENGL 2220
Introduction to Fiction HU
ENGL 2230
Introduction to Mythology HU
ENGL 2240
Introduction to Poetry HU
ENGL 2250
Intro to Creative Writing HU
ENGL 2260
Fiction Writing
ENGL 2270
Writing Poetry
ENGL 2280
Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENGL 2290
Methods & Practice of Prof. Ed
ENGL 2300
Intro to Shakespeare HU
ENGL 2330
Children's Literature HU
ENGL 2360
Contemporary World Lit HU
ENGL 2420
Literature Of The Outdoors HU
ENGL 2430
Gothic & Supernatural Lit HU
ENGL 2450
Intro to Gender Studies HU
ENGL 2460
African-American Literature HU
ENGL 2510
American Literature I HU
ENGL 2520
American Literature II HU
ENGL 2610
British Literature I HU
ENGL 2620
British Literature II HU
ENGL 2700
Intro to Critical Lit/Theory
ENGL 2800
Special Projects
ENGL 2940
Writing Portfolio
ENGL 2950
Meth. Prac. in Tutor Writers
ENGL 3260
Technical Communication