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Elevate Your Skills

Mother and baby looking a computer screen
With a $500 scholarship per student, your cost is greatly reduced or eliminated!

Are you ready to take your career or business to the next level? Or maybe you’d like to learn a new skill? For a limited time Snow College is offering online courses designed to help you achieve your goals.

Courses Available

  • Basic Microsoft Office
    This introductory course covers the basics of Microsoft Office 365. You will learn: Excel, PowerPoint, Word
  • Career and Workplace Skills
    Sharpen your workplace skills. You will learn: Clifton Strengths, resume, cover letter, interview preparation, networking skills
  • Content Marketing and Analytics
    Take your business to the next level with content marketing. You’ll learn how to attract and track customers through today’s leading platforms.
  • Email Marketing
    Learn to reach more customers with email marketing. You’ll learn the ins and outs of creating an effective email campaign—from lead generation to repeat customers.
  • Quickbooks for Small Business
    Knowing how to manage your books is a must for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With this course, you’ll learn the basic accounting concepts and simple accounting methods you need to keep your business running smoothly.

These courses are online and available for immediate enrollment. Students will need access to a computer and a reliable internet connection. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future.


Course registration is now closed. Watch this page for future opportunities.

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For-Credit Programs

Career & Workplace Skills

This two-part series of courses prepares individuals for the job market. In addition to the skills learned in the Basic Microsoft Office course, students will utilize the Clifton Strengths Assessment to understand their strengths and abilities, and learn how to use those strengths to their advantage in the workplace. Students will also develop resume and cover letter writing skills as well as practice networking and job interviewing.

Basic Microsoft Office

In this introductory course, individuals will learn the basics of Microsoft 365. Upon completion, students will be proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. This class is a good fit for those who are entering the workforce but need to brush up on their skills, older adults who would like to learn more about these programs, or anyone who would like to learn the basics of the Microsoft Office Suite.

  • Starts: January 8, 2024
  • College Credits: 3 credits
  • Method: Online
  • Cost: $724.99 - $500 = $224.99
    (includes tuition, fees, books)
  • CRN: 1314
  • Course: BUS 1020-N01
  • Title: Computer Tech & Applications
  • Instructor: LaFaun Barnhurst

Career & Workplace Skills

Students will gain skills and confidence in exploring potential careers in this course. They will also discover matching majors and a professional & career path that will correspond to their skills and abilities, and also values and personal preferences. Students will participate in a variety of lectures, discussions, group projects, activities. They will also do personality assessments which will show them some of their top strengths and articulate their strengths and skills for better results in job placement or continuing education outcomes.

  • Starts: January 8, 2024
  • College Credits: 1 credit
  • Method: Online
  • Cost: $220 - $500 = FREE
    (includes tuition, fees, books)
  • CRN: 1673 or 2054
  • Course: GNST 1500 (N02 or N03)
  • Title: Career Decisions
  • Instructor: Lisa Laird or Christine Hanks

Content and Email Marketing

Learn effective strategies to boost your brand and expand your reach. In this two-part series of courses, individuals will learn how to develop digital content, build their own website, grow their social media accounts, and effectively communicate with customers through email. This program is ideal for entrepreneurs and those who would like to dip their toes into the digital marketing world.

Content Marketing & Marketing Analytics

This Content Marketing & Analytics course is designed to help students become proficient in content marketing, web design, and marketing analytics using today’s leading platforms. The course will cover content marketing best practices, content marketing strategy, creating marketing content, website design, website creation, tracking marketing analytics, and measuring and reporting on marketing efforts. Students will learn through lectures, guest speakers, presentations, and hands-on applications the best practices and strategies of content marketing. After the completion of this course, students will be able to obtain an entry-level position as a content marketer.

  • Starts: January 8, 2024
  • College Credits: 4 credits
  • Method: Online
  • Cost: $509.99 - $500 = $9.99
    (includes tuition, fees, books)
  • CRN: 2983
  • Course: TEDM 1010-N50
  • Title: Content Marketing & Analytics
  • Instructor: Joshua Hales

Email Marketing

This Email Marketing & Customer Relationship Management course is designed to help students become proficient in email marketing using today’s leading platforms. The course will cover email marketing best practices, email marketing strategy, creating emails, lead generation, landing pages, tracking email marketing analytics, and email marketing automation. Students will learn through lectures, guest speakers, presentations, and hands-on applications the best practices and strategies of email marketing. After the completion of this course, students should be able to obtain an entry-level position as an email marketer.

  • Starts: January 8, 2024
  • College Credits: 2 credits
  • Method: Online
  • Cost: $319.99 - $500 = FREE
    (includes tuition, fees, books)
  • CRN: 2984
  • Course: TEDM 1020-N50
  • Title: Email Marketing
  • Instructor: Tyler Smith

Basic Accounting

Students who complete the QuickBooks class may choose to take additional business courses and earn a certificate in Basic Accounting. Students who complete the six-course certificate will learn accounting functions such as traditional bookkeeping, financial calculations for business management, and basic personal finance.

Quickbooks for Small Business

This course is designed for entrepreneurs or small business owners who have chosen to use QuickBooks Online software to manage accounting. The course teaches basic accounting concepts and simple automated accounting methods for recording business transactions and maintaining necessary financial reports.

  • Starts: January 8, 2024
  • College Credits: 3 credits
  • Method: Online
  • Cost: $707.95 - $500 = $207.95
    (includes tuition, fees, books)
  • CRN: 1817 or 2192
  • Course: BUS 1060 (N01 or N02)
  • Title: QuickBooks for Small Business
  • Instructor: Jacob Dettinger or LaFaun Barnhurst
Need help figuring out the right options for you? Call us at 800.848.3399!

Available Microcredentials

Students will also have the option to complete requirements to receive microcredential badges. Talk with your Instructor if you are interested in this option.

Office 365 Microcredential
Content & Email Marketer Microcredential
Email Marketer Microcredential
Quickbooks Online
  • Students not completing first assignment between January 8 and 13 will be dropped from the class.
  • Limited scholarship funds are available and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and classes are limited to two (2) per person. You will be notified by email when scholarship funds are dispersed to your account.