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International Scholarship Application

Complete this application to be considered for a Snow College Scholarship. Please note, this scholarship opportunity is only for international students born outside of the United States.

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To be used at Snow
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If known
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Student Status
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Please provide us with a short essay describing your volunteer, extracurricular, and leadership experiences and how they helped you become a better global citizen. The box below has a character limit of 5,000 and the more information you provide, the more it might help us to choose you!
Max. 5000 words
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Do you have an agent?
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If you answered yes to the question above, what is your...
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Snow College does not require a TOEFL/IELTS for admission. Students without a TOEFL/IELTS will be required to take an English Placement Exam during orientation. Students that have a TOEFL/IELTS must have a minimum TOEFL of 63 (15 in each area) or an IELTS of 6.5 to begin regular academic courses.
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The deadline for scholarship applications is March 1st. We will start reviewing scholarship applications after the deadline. If you are awarded a scholarship, we will email you the official scholarship contract. It will be sent to the email address you provided on this application.

